Things You Should Know About Your Sex Buddy

Things You Should Know About Your Sex BuddyJust because you have an agreement that there are no strings attached does not mean that there aren’t some things that you should know about your sex buddy. Sure sex buddies are just about sex, but there are things in their past that are important to know. If you have found the perfect match to hook up for sex, and are worried about messing it up, think again. If you don’t know certain things you are jeopardizing more than just great casual sex. There are many fishes in the sex ocean, finding the right one is crucial, even if it is just for sex.

Her Sexual Past
Of course you wouldn’t want her to ask about your sexual past, but you should know a little about hers. Usually the reason why you don’t want to talk about the past is because of jealousy. You don’t have to worry about that with a sex buddy. What you do need to worry about is sexual diseases. Not only do you want to know about their sexual risks, but any other things that can make them more risky than just casual sex. You would like to assume that people take precautions, but not all of them do. Before you put yourself into a higher risk category, find out what your sex buddy has been up to in the past. Asking about any drug use, or other major red flags, is important even if you intend to cover yourself. There is no sure fire protection method.

Are you their first?
It isn’t very important to know if you are their first, like if they are a virgin. It is important to know if they have had other sex buddies. Many women say that they can handle a sex buddy relationship, only to find out they can’t. Women are different by nature. They become emotionally attached more easily. Even if they think that they can keep it casual, sometimes that becomes impossible for them. Having a history of being able to maintain detachment, is a good sign that you won’t have her crying on your shoulder, and wanting you to meet her mother anytime soon.

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Does she have a boyfriend?
It may seem like a good idea to pair up with a sex buddy who is unattainable, but it can lead to some real problems. Chances are good that the other guy isn’t going to be comfortable with it. If she is hiding something about other guys in her life, that is a red flag that you need to be careful. Just because she is alright with a casual sexual relationship outside of her current relationship, that doesn’t mean that her significant other is. The last thing that you want is some guy coming to find you. When he finds out that you have been having sex with his girlfriend, he isn’t going to be happy. He most likely won’t be taking it out on her physically.

Does she have a big brother who wouldn’t be thrilled?
If she talks about her big brother, it is a sign that you should move along. No guy is going to like the idea of his sister being deflowered by some man no strings attached. Just because she thinks it is a good idea, does not mean that the other people in her life are going to agree. Not only do you have to be careful of siblings, don’t forget about Dads. Sure, they are probably never going to know, but if she lives at home, proceed with caution. A father can do some real damage to the guy who has been having sex with his daughter, especially if it is just for gratification.